Venezolano amarrado y torturado por opositores |
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Muchos se preguntan una y otra vez, cómo es posible que algunos miembros de la oposición manifiesten tanto odio con sus acciones, con su verbo y con su pensar. La duda es lógica, sobre todo por los acontecimientos que hemos visto desarrollarse en Venezuela desde hace dos meses aproximadamente y que tienen como común denominador la violencia promovida y concretada, directa o indirectamente, desde la parcialidad política de la derecha.
Esto no
ha ocurrido de la noche a la mañana. La violencia y la agresión
pueden ser fácilmente provocadas en un sector de la población que
ha sido condicionado, durante años y por diferentes medios, a sentir
miedo, rabia y odio hacia el “malévolo” Gobierno Bolivariano, el
chavismo, el socialismo y todo aquello que se identifique con el
color rojo. Esto se ha hecho a través de la propaganda fascista de
manera disimulada, sistemática y permanente. Cada artículo, cada
noticia, cada discurso, cada declaración, cada mensaje de la derecha
lleva el germen del fascismo de manera solapada.
propaganda que apela al estímulo de estos sentimientos a menudo
sienta las bases para un rotundo llamado a la violencia. Si la
discordia ha sido avivada por la propaganda, no se requiere mucho
trabajo para transformar la tensión en agresión. El sector de la
oposición vive en un permanente estado de ansiedad y zozobra
síquica, ve amenazas donde no las hay, cree que existe un “diablo
comunista” al acecho, que atenta contra sus vidas, su libertad. La
reacción en “defensa propia”, justifica cualquier acto que en
condiciones normales pudiese ser condenable. Por eso las acciones
virulentas de los fascistas en éstos días, sin explicación real o
justificación que avale racionalmente su accionar, violando los
derechos humanos de todos, atentando contra la vida de muchos e
imponiendo su perversa lógica terrorista.
personalidades, políticos y formadores de opinión identificados con
la derecha continúan inyectando en el torrente sanguíneo de la
patria el veneno del fascismo. Promueven una clara indiferencia ante
los crímenes cometidos por los opositores, a la vez que acusan
inmisericordemente al gobierno y al chavismo de los delitos más
atroces. En su imaginario todo se reduce a “nosotros los buenos,
ellos los malos”. De esta forma, la propaganda les construye una
moral ficticia que sirve de catapulta para cualquier cosa, no importa
lo vil que sea.
Hate "in crescendo" (English)
Many wonder again and again , how is it possible that some members of the opposition manifest so much hate with their actions , with their words and with their thinking. Doubt is logical, especially for the events we have seen unfold in Venezuela for about two months approximately which have as a common denominator violence promoted and specified directly or indirectly from political bias to the right.
This hasn't occurred overnight . Violence and aggression can be easily provoked in a sector of the population that has been conditioned for years and by different medias, to feel fear, anger and hatred of the "evil " Bolivarian government , Chavez , socialism and everything that identifies with the color red. This has been done through fascist propaganda disguised in a systematic and ongoing manner. Every article , every word , every speech, every statement , every message of the right bearing the seed of fascism in an overlapping manner .
The propaganda that appeals to the stimulation of these feelings often sets the stage for a resounding call to violence . If discord has been fueled by propaganda , much work isn't required to transform tension to aggression. The sector of the opposition living in a permanent state of anxiety and psychological distress , see threats where there are none , believes there is a "communist devil" lurking , that threatens their lives , their freedom. The reaction in "self defense " justifies any act that could normally be condemned. So virulent fascist actions in these days, no real explanation or justification rationally endorse their actions, in violation of all human rights , undermining the lives of many and imposing their vicious terrorist logic.
Journalists, celebrities, politicians and opinion makers identified with the right continue injecting into the homeland's bloodstream poison of fascism. Promote a clear indifference to the crimes committed by opponents mercilessly while accusing the Chavez government of the most heinous crimes. In their imagination all comes down to " us the good ones, them the evil ones " . Thus , propaganda builds them a fictitious moral catapult serving for anything , no matter how vile it is.
Hate "in crescendo" (English)
Many wonder again and again , how is it possible that some members of the opposition manifest so much hate with their actions , with their words and with their thinking. Doubt is logical, especially for the events we have seen unfold in Venezuela for about two months approximately which have as a common denominator violence promoted and specified directly or indirectly from political bias to the right.
This hasn't occurred overnight . Violence and aggression can be easily provoked in a sector of the population that has been conditioned for years and by different medias, to feel fear, anger and hatred of the "evil " Bolivarian government , Chavez , socialism and everything that identifies with the color red. This has been done through fascist propaganda disguised in a systematic and ongoing manner. Every article , every word , every speech, every statement , every message of the right bearing the seed of fascism in an overlapping manner .
The propaganda that appeals to the stimulation of these feelings often sets the stage for a resounding call to violence . If discord has been fueled by propaganda , much work isn't required to transform tension to aggression. The sector of the opposition living in a permanent state of anxiety and psychological distress , see threats where there are none , believes there is a "communist devil" lurking , that threatens their lives , their freedom. The reaction in "self defense " justifies any act that could normally be condemned. So virulent fascist actions in these days, no real explanation or justification rationally endorse their actions, in violation of all human rights , undermining the lives of many and imposing their vicious terrorist logic.
Journalists, celebrities, politicians and opinion makers identified with the right continue injecting into the homeland's bloodstream poison of fascism. Promote a clear indifference to the crimes committed by opponents mercilessly while accusing the Chavez government of the most heinous crimes. In their imagination all comes down to " us the good ones, them the evil ones " . Thus , propaganda builds them a fictitious moral catapult serving for anything , no matter how vile it is.